Elite Community Ultrasound (ECU) is delighted to offer this Early pregnancy scan for all pregnant women who are 16years or above and expecting their pregnancy between 06 weeks and 11 weeks. This scan is also known as Viability or Early Dating scan.
This scan includes: A detailed written report and two b/w printed images of unborn baby.
Our Early pregnancy scan is a safe, painless, and radiation-free medical imaging to check:
- Location of pregnancy whether intra-uterine (inside the womb) or ectopic.
- Foetal Cardiac Activity (Baby’s heartbeat).
- The estimate gestational age by measuring the gestational sac when it is not possible by measuring embryo/foetus.
- Both ovaries and adnexa (if visualized).
- The cause of per vaginal bleeding/spotting/brownish discharge, pelvic pain, especially if you have any history of miscarriage.
For more information regarding this scan please read the under-mentioned FAQs.
Q. What preparation do I need for Early pregnancy scan?
A. You are required to have full bladder to get an adequate result. Therefore, you are required to drink two pints of water at least 45min before your scan appointment.
Q. What happens if I forgot to drink water or don’t have required full bladder at the time of scanning?
A. We shall still attempt your scan, however this may interfere with the results of the test. Alternatively, we shall offer a transvaginal scan/Internal scan (is a type of medical imaging technique that uses a small ultrasound probe in the vagina to get a better look at the organs inside the pelvic area.) that doesn’t require to have full bladder.
Q. What kind of clothing do I need to wear for this scan?
A. There is no specific requirement of clothing for undergoing this scan. However, we advise to wear loose and two-piece cloths.
Q. What happens during the early pregnancy scan.
A. Our well qualified experienced specialist ultrasound Practitioner/Sonographer will ask you to lie down on the scan couch(bed) comfortably. They will put water-based gel on your lower tummy. Thereafter, they scan by placing the transducer (camera) over the gel on your lower belly. However, in certain circumstances, practitioner may offer you a transvaginal (internal) scan (£25 extra cost), particularly when you are around 06weeks in your pregnancy, but they will discuss it with you and cannot proceed without your consent. This way, we’ll have all the info we need to make an accurate picture of your pregnancy and properly examine you. This is according to the guidelines from NICE.
Q. What is the duration of the scan?
A. The duration of the scan is usually 20 minutes and sometimes can take up to 30 minutes depends on the visibility of unborn baby and complexity of scan.
Q. If I can’t find my answer in FAQs?
A. Please don’t worry and simply visit private pregnancy scans page for further FAQs, and if you still can’t find your answer then please contact us we shall be more than happy to answer your query.
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