Elite Community Ultrasound (ECU) is delighted to offer this 4D/5D Baby scan package for all pregnant guests who are 16years or above and in pregnancy between 24weeks and 34weeks. However, this scan is not a substitute of 12weeks combined and 20weeks anomaly scans which are offered in the NHS.
This scan includes:
A detailed written report and four 2d b/w printed images of unborn baby.
Four 4D digital color images and two video clips.
Experience an astonishing 4D live and 5D (HD Live) view of unborn baby.
A free expert opinion on the gender of your unborn child using an ultrasound if requested!
14-inch Teddy Bear with Baby’ Heartbeat Recording (Optional £24.99).
Option for upgrading to “My Little One’s Platinum Packages”.
Fetal wellbeing by showing the baby’s heartbeat and movements.
Listen your baby’s heartbeat.
Estimated baby’s weight and measurements of Head, Abdomen & Thigh bone (femur).
Placental location.
Amniotic fluid status.
Reassurance (Peace of mind).
For more information regarding this scan please read the under-mentioned FAQs.
What preparation do I need for 4D/5D Baby scan?
No preparation is required.
What kind of clothing do I need to wear for this scan?
There is no specific requirement of clothing for undergoing this scan. However, wearing loose and two-piece cloths are advisable.
What happens during the 4D/5D Baby scan.
You will be asked to lie down on the scan couch(bed) comfortably. Our well qualified experienced specialist ultrasound Practitioner/Sonographer will put water-based gel on your lower tummy. Thereafter, they scan by placing the transducer (camera) over the gel on your lower belly.
What is the duration of this scan?
The duration of the scan is usually 30minutes and sometimes can take up to 40 minutes depends on the position of your unborn baby and complexity of scan.
If I can’t find my answer in FAQs?
Please don’t worry and simply visit private pregnancy scans page for further FAQs, and if you still can’t find your answer then please contact us we shall be more than happy to answer your query.
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